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UPDATE, 1:26 p.m.: Due to power outages, Plano Campus and Public Safety Training Center are closed today, March 4. All other campuses remain open and operating under normal business hours.

Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Education (IHCE)

Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Education

Hospitality and Food Service Management

Culinary and Pastry Arts

Institute Overview

The Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Education (IHCE) offers Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences (AAS) degrees in four tracks and nine certificate tracks. The degrees and certificates are designed to prepare graduates with the requisite knowledge, skills, and values to effectively apply various hospitality or culinary principles and tools in an organizational setting. Students must comprehensively understand hospitality or culinary curricula through an integrated, experiential learning capstone course. Upon graduation, students will be adequately prepared for entry into the public and private sectors of the hospitality or culinary field.


Mission Statement

Today’s hospitality and food service industry calls for disciplined and creative hotel, restaurant, and culinary professionals. The mission of the Institute of Hospitality & Culinary Education (IHCE) is to prepare students for the demands of the fast-paced hospitality and food service industry. We are committed to developing skills, strengthening character, work ethic, and challenging the student's intellectual and creative curiosity.  The hospitality and food service industry is the largest service industry in the world. So whether you decide to launch your career in Dallas or Dubai there is ample opportunity for growth!


Program Accreditation


The Hospitality and Foodservice Management program is fully accredited by Accreditation Commission for Programs on Hospitality Administration (ACPHA). They may be contacted at:


Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA)

P.O. Box 400

Oxford, MD 21654



The Culinary Arts Program is fully accredited by the American Culinary Federation (ACF) Foundation.

They may be contacted at:


The American Culinary Federation, Inc. (ACF)

6816 Southpoint Pkwy., Ste. 400

Jacksonville, FL 32216





The Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Education (IHCE) Program Information

Collin College offers a number of Hospitality and Culinary Education degrees and certificates taught by experienced industry professionals. With the lowest tuition in the state of Texas, you can start today!


Programs, Degrees, and Certificates

Choose one of the following awards/certificates to learn more about the course sequence.


Associate of Applied Science Award:

• AAS – Culinary Arts


Level 1 Certificate:

• Certificate Level 1 – Culinary Arts


Level 3 Certificate - ESC:

• Certificate Level 3 – ESC – Advanced Culinary Arts


See the Culinary Arts Marketable Skills View the Culinary & Pastry Arts Program Information Sheet View the Fall 2024 Culinary & Pastry Arts Course Schedule


Choose one of the following awards/certificates to learn more about the course sequence.


Associate of Applied Science Award:

• AAS – Pastry Arts


Level 1 Certificate:

• Certificate Level 1 – Pastry Arts


Level 3 Certificate - ESC:

• Certificate Level 3 – ESC – Advanced Pastry Arts


See the Pastry Arts Marketable Skills View the Culinary & Pastry Arts Program Information Sheet View the Fall 2024 Culinary & Pastry Arts Course Schedule



Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

• PLO 1: Identify the various sectors within the hospitality industry and describe their relationship with the global economy
• PLO 2: Describe the fundamental principles of management and apply effective leadership in a hospitality industry setting
• PLO 3: Demonstrate the ability to work in the hospitality industry by completing practical and cooperative work experiences with a satisfactory supervisor’s evaluation
• PLO 4: Demonstrate effective professional communication skills through presentations and business writing
• PLO 5: Appropriately use and express the importance of exceptional customer service skills in any hospitality environment
• PLO 6 - Hotel/Restaurant Management Track: Identify and apply the components of a successful hotel or foodservice operation to classroom discussion and/or project work
• PLO 7 - Meeting/Event Management Track: Identify the components of organizing and executing a special event, a group tour, and/or exposition and trade shows

• PLO 1:  Identify and apply the knowledge and skills necessary for hospitality and tourism operations
• PLO 2: Demonstrate competence in the communication skills necessary for hospitality and tourism management


• PLO 3: Demonstrate competence in the communication skills necessary for hospitality and tourism management
• PLO 4: Formulate business decisions in hospitality and tourism management
• PLO 5: Evaluate leadership principles necessary in the diverse and global hospitality industry


See how the ACPHA PLOs connect to the curriculum

Student Success Measures


 Hospitality and Foodservice Management Student Profile
Academic Year 3 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
 1 Year Ago
Number of Students 132 149 135
Number of Graduates 52 40 46
Student/Faculty Ratio 26.4:1  25.0: 1  24: 1

 Retention Rate % – Freshmen to Sophomore

(for all Programs)

71% 72% 74%
 % Students employed in the hospitality industry or a related field, i.e., Professional Placement within 90 days after graduation 62.5% 74.8% 72.6%
 % Students continuing their education within 90 days after graduation 14.2% 12.4% 13.6%
 Total Professional Placement and Continuing Education Rate 76.7% 87.2% 84.3%



AAS Culinary Arts

Academic Year (AY) includes 3 semesters, August-July

Academic Year   2021-2022 2022-2023  2023-2024 

AAS Graduation Rate, Full & Part Time Students

16.0 % 8.4 % 10.4 %
Student Post Graduation Employment Rate 100% 100% 100%
AAS Degree Graduate, ACF Certification Rate** 1% 100% 100%



AAS Pastry Arts

Academic Year (AY) includes 3 semesters, August-July

Academic Year 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 
AAS Graduation Rate, Full & Part Time Students 24.0% 29.0% 14.3%
Student Post Graduation Employment Rate 100% 100% 100%
AAS Degree Graduate, ACF Certification Rate** 0% 100% 100%


 **American Culinary Federation (ACF) certifications are earned after graduating with one or both:
       1. AAS Culinary Arts, Certified Culinarian (CC)
       2. AAS Pastry Arts, Certified Pastry Culinarian (CPC)


• A one year ACF membership and certification fees are included as a program graduate.

• Please allow up to 3 months for application processing after the student's graduation petition is approved by Collin College.

• The CC and CPC certifications are valid for 5-years before requiring recertification at student's discretion and expense.


Transfer and Scholarship Information

• Texas Tech University – Hospitality and Retail Management

Hospitality & Retail Management | Human Sciences | TTU


• University of Houston - Conrad N. Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership

Hilton College - University of Houston (


• Stephen F. Austin University – James I Perkins College of Education – School of Human Sciences

Hospitality Administration | Human Sciences | SFA (


• University of North Texas – Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management B.S. | University of North Texas (


• Missouri State University  - Department of Hospitality Leadership

Hospitality Leadership - Missouri State


• Lucerne University – Business and Hotel Management School

Preparing global leaders | BHMS


• Woosong University – College of Hotel and Culinary Arts

College of Hotel and Culinary Arts: Woosong University (

If you have any questions, contact John Hines, Career Coach, at 972.377.1733 or visit the Frisco Campus Suite H210.


Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Education (IHCE) Faculty


Full Time Faculty
Hospitality and Foodservice Management Culinary Arts Pastry Arts

Dr. Eric Tobin, Discipline Lead

Frisco Campus, Alumni Hall 165


P: 972.377.1702

View Curricula Vitae

Ronald Reczek, Discipline Lead

Frisco Campus, Alumni Hall 163


P: 972.377.1773

View Curricula Vitae

Jill McCord

Frisco Campus, Alumni Hall 162


P: 972.377.1057

View Curricula Vitae


Andrew Jardim

Frisco Campus, Alumni Hall 164


P: 972.377.1504

View Curricula Vitae



Adjunct Faculty
Hospitality Culinary Arts Baking and Pastry Arts

Garry Abbs


View Curricula Vitae

Sara Hosford


View Curricula Vitae

Amanda Bradford


View Curricula Vitae

Abby Christian*


View Curricula Vitae

Chad Kelley


View Curricula Vitae

Cristal Gonzalez


View Curricula Vitae

Susan Crawford


View Curricula Vitae

Cynthia Kleckner


View Curricula Vitae

Natalie Owles


View Curricula Vitae

Erika Foster


View Curricula Vitae

James Coulter


View Curricula Vitae

Caren Watson




John Hines, Program Coach

Frisco Campus, F144C


View Curricula Vitae





* Teaches both culinary and hospitality courses.



Kitchen Lab Orientation & Informational Sessions


Attending an orientation is required for permissions to enroll into kitchen lab classes. The Culinary & Pastry Arts department is currently offering two Kitchen Lab Orientation & Informational Sessions. Choose one of the following orientation dates to register. 


March 7, 2025 10:00 a.m. Orientation

Register Today!

April 17, 2025 6:00 p.m. Orientation

Register Now!


All orientation sessions are conducted at the Frisco Campus, Alumni Hall, A136. A campus map and a copy of the Culinary/Pastry Arts orientation presentation are available to download using the following links.

View the Frisco Campus Map Download a Copy of the Orientation Presentation



The Red Room

The Red Room is unique for many reasons. Most notably, aside from the restaurant opening its doors to the public, The Red Room is serviced by Collin College’s RSTO 1304 - Dining Room Service and CHEF 1314 - A La Carte Cooking classes. The Red Room is a working educational lab!


Each week will feature a menu created and implemented by a student Executive Chef from CHEF 1314 and a  Maitre d' from RSTO 1304 courses.  New for Spring 2024, each service features dessert & bread offerings from the student Pastry Chefs enrolled in PSTR 1342 - Bakery Operations Management or PSTR2331 - Advanced Pastry. This combination allows Collin College students in the Dining Room Service class to support the front-of-the-house restaurant management experience while the A La Carte Cooking students prepare, cook and expedite food in the "back-of-house". Students in both classes learn the importance of communication and coordination between the dining room ("front-of-house") and kitchen ("back-of-house").  The students also practice marketing the restaurant and delivering the level exceptional service necessary as leaders in hospitality. Visit The Red Room page for more information!


IHCE Resources


We are proud members of the following associations: